Our Mama , our friend so dear , through-out our life you're always near . A tender smile to guide our way . You are the sunshine of our day .
When did you ever refuse to help at a time your help was needed ! When did you ever forget to praise when our plans had succeeded!
When did you ever forget to show the love you're so warm in expressing ?
Honestly , Mama , there's no one like you --- 'Cause you're not just "nice" --- You're a blessing !
Happy mama's Day !
We love you !
Jonny , Sha , Jenny , Man Carano
Aunt Nee from all your nephews and nieces that is too numerous to name one by one .
Happy Mother's Day , we love you .
Thank you my darling babies...you mean the world to me ... you are a ray of sunshine that lights my heart every day and night ... you are my gifts to keep ...cherish and watch grow into adult-hood.
To you my nieces / nephews ... I love you all so much it is beyond words .
Aunt NEE