Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Our Mama , our friend so dear , through-out our life you're always near . A tender smile  to guide our way . You are the sunshine of our day .
When did you ever refuse to help at a time your help was needed ! When did you ever forget to praise when our plans had succeeded!
When did you ever  forget to show the love you're so warm in expressing ?
Honestly , Mama , there's no one like you --- 'Cause you're not just "nice" --- You're a blessing !
            Happy mama's Day !
                    We love you !
Jonny , Sha , Jenny , Man  Carano

Aunt Nee  from all your nephews and nieces  that is too numerous to name one by one .
Happy Mother's Day   , we love you .

1 comment:

  1. Thank you my darling mean the world to me ... you are a ray of sunshine that lights my heart every day and night ... you are my gifts to keep ...cherish and watch grow into adult-hood.

    To you my nieces / nephews ... I love you all so much it is beyond words .
    Aunt NEE


Hi friends, thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to say hello. The welcome mat is always out and the coffee is always hot .I really appreciate your sweet gesture!