Prep time : --- 1 hour ---Cooking time : ---50 minutes ---Cooling time : ---20 minutes
1------------------recipe double crust pie pastry ( recipe below)
1/3 --------------- cup shredded cheddaar cheese (optional)
1 ------------------large egg , separated
4 ------------------tart apples
4 ------------------sweet apples
2 ------------------tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 ----------------cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/3 ----------------cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 ----------------teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 ----------------teaspoon ground allspice
1/8 ----------------teaspoon nutmeg
2 -------------------tablespoons butter
1 -------------------tablespoon cold water (optional)
1) Preheat oven to 425*F . Make pastry , adding cheese to dry mixture if you wish . Fit 1/2 the pastry into a 9-inch pie pan , letting the edges hang over about 1-inch . In a cup , whisk the egg white until frothy and brush on crust . Reserve yolk for the top crust glaze . Roll top pastry and cut several slits for steam vents . Cover with plastic wrap until redy to use .
2) Peel , core and slice apples 1/4-inch thick , placing them in a bowl . Sprinkle with lemon juice as you do . Add sugars , flour , cinnamon , allspice and nutmeg and toss lightly . Mound mixture in the piecrust ; dot with butter .
3) Moisten rim of bottom pastry with a little water and place top pastry on pie . Seal the pie by folding top pastry under bottom pastry at the pan rim , them crimp . In a small bowl , make glaze for top (optional) by whisking together reserved egg yolk and cold water . Brush over top , carefully avoiding the slits .
4) Bake at 425*F for 15 minutes ; lower temperature to 374*F and bake 35 minutes more or until filling is bubbly and pastry is nicely browned . If crimped edge browns to fast , cover with foil . Let pie cool on rack for 20 minutes . Serve with ice cream .
DOUBLE CRUST PIE PASTRY for an 8 or 9-inch pie :
2 -------------cups all-purpose flour
1 -------------teaspoon salt
2/3 ----------cup chill vegetable shortening
4-6 ----------tablespoons ice water
1) In a mixing bowl , stir together flour and salt . Using a pastry blender , cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse meal .
2) Sprinkle water over flour mixture , 1 tablespoon at a time , mixing lightly with a folk , just until pastry holds together .
3) Divide pastry in half and shape in 2 balls . Flatten 1 ball slightly on a lightly floured work surface .
4) Using a floured rolling pin , roll pastry from center out to form a 12-inch circle about 1/8-inch thick .
5) Wrap pastry around rolling pin . Unroll into a pie pan . Repeat for top .
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