Saturday, June 1, 2013

Food for Thought

Although it does not start for almost one more month , according to most , summer has begun . It is important  for children and adults  to keep up healthy nutrition  and physical activity habits  during the summer  months when schedules  may not be structured .
Here are a few tips  to help you  and your child to keep up good nutrition and fitness  habits  while enjoying  the break from school :

1 .  Sign your child up for an organized sport  or physical activity class  such as soccer  or swimming  .
For young children , puick something  that you and your child can do together . For older children , find something that encourages socialization .

2.    Set your family  activity time . Going to a park , riding a bike  or even takiking a short walk in your neighborhood  can easily be done once the temperature cools a little .

3 .    Spice up your family's menus . This is the prefect time to let your children experiment  with new recipes  and to help them learn cooking skills . Choose age appropriate tasks  to let them practice  during the day , if home alone . Tasks such as planning the week's menu , making a grocery list  or starting  dinner can easily be done by older children.

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