Saturday, April 18, 2015

Taking Some Time Off

Hello  friends  and  fellow  foodies  . 
There  comes  a time  when you have  to take  time  off  and  regroup .
Well  that  time  has  come  for  me  .
Hubby's  aunt  had  a fall ,  no  she  didn't  break  her  hip  thanks  to  the  father  ,  she  broke  her  leg  and  it's  in a cast .
The  doctor says  she  will make  a full recover   but  she  has  a  strong  will  to  do as  she  wants  too  ;-D .
Aunty  is  89  years  old   , so  as  you can see I have  my  hands  fun .
I will not  be  posting  for  awhile   , but  I will be  visiting  you as  much as   possible .
I  ask  for  your  prayers  for  auntie   and  for  my sanity .

There  is  a silver lining  behind  each and  every  dark  cloud   and  with  our  Father  everything  is  possible  if  you believe .

Thank  you  , keep  the  good  stuff  coming .

Nee  Carano


  1. Oh Nee, I'm so sorry to hear this news. Thank goodness she didn't break her hip but oh no leg in the cast can not be good either!!!

    I know exactly what you mean about that "strong" will. I have one of those kinds of people here too. Oh my she wears me out, lol...You are indeed going to have your hands full. Hopefully the kids will be able to help "entertain" her too:)

    Keeping you and your family in our prayers Nee. WOW! This has been some year!!! Take care Nee...I'll be thinking about you my friend:)

    1. Thank you ever so much my friend , things are going well here Nee :)

  2. Take care Nee! Hope your Aunty will recover soon.

  3. Dear Nee,
    Just read this post and I am so sorry that your Aunty is not well. Thank goodness she only broke her leg..when they get older the hip would have been really a bad deal. I understand that you need time off. I am just coming back tomorrow. These two weeks were good that I was able to rest, but also have been having problems health issues with my parents. God bless them when they get to this age. I will be praying for her and you...You need to keep strong for her and your family. Take all the time you need and I know that God is watching over you. Blessings.....
    Love and prayers my dear friend: Dottie :)

  4. Sorry to hear about your aunt! Of course you need to take time off -- you have loads to do. Will be sending good thoughts your way (and your aunt's!). We'll be here -- hungry! -- when you have time to start posting again. ;-)

  5. Hi Nee,
    Oh dear, I hope your hubby's aunt will recover soon.
    You take care too and see you when we see you.

  6. Aww Nee, I am so sorry to hear. I wish Aunty a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself and rest's so much stress on you. Be sure to take some time for yourself. We'll be here waiting for your return!


  7. Hi Nee,
    Sorry to hear about this. Hope your hubby's aunt will recover soon. You take care of yourself too.


Hi friends, thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to say hello. The welcome mat is always out and the coffee is always hot .I really appreciate your sweet gesture!